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The Best Wifi Provider For September 2020

Internet connection
Internet connection

With the re-opening of schools around the corner,students will require a reliable WiFi provider so that they can keep up with their school work.Take note that much of  these school works will require internet connections as the students are far behind with their school work and will need to do lots of researches.Not students  only will require a reliable network provider but even the schools themselves will. For their internet banking,payment of workers, purchasing school stuff online so that they minimize the probability of contracting this deadly pandemic.

Businesses must also have a reliable WI-fi provider so as to have faster transaction rates at all  times.No business would want to have their zoom meeting interrupted due to connection problems and have o wait the whole afternoon for it to return for in business, time is money and time lost can never be found back.


Therefore one has to know the best WiFi provider to us,one that will not cause disruptions on important moments.Below is a table comparing some WiFi providers in Zimbabwe, that is Powertel, Zol and Telone.

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The speed for Powertel is unknown

The speed for Zol is 2mb/s

The speed for Telone is 20mb/s

From the table above, it can be seen that Telone offers many WiFi bundle options than the other two WiFi providers.It is also clearly shown that the same Telone has the highest speed compared to Zol.When it comes to comparing the prices is it also clear that Telone again provides the cheapest prices and at the same time giving more WiFi data at those low prices.

The prices of Powertel seem reasonable and affordable but one has to take into account that the amount of WiFi data is is also offering is small and it might not be enough to last the whole month.Their prices for more data are so high that one may not be able to afford it.Its speed  is also not known and that will not give security of reliability to the user.

Zol, like Powertel offers a small number of opportunities that one may not find what they really need or can afford.Compared to the other two, its prices are also high.The speed is also so slow that it is not ideal for one working under a limited amount of time.

So for September 2020 I would recommend for one to use Telone.This is because of its reasonable prices, its good speed and its large variety to choose from.Almost anyone can be able to find what they can afford from this.It gives the best quality for the money paid.

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