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Grow your small business



We know starting a small business is no easy feat. It takes hard work and dedication, not to mention some savvy business sense. But if you’re serious about growing your company — and becoming a success story — then these tips will help get you started on that path.

Don’t compete on price.

  • Don’t compete on price.

Price wars are a race to the bottom, and you can’t compete on price and still make a profit. If you’re not making a profit, you’re not going to be in business for long. Instead of competing on price, compete on value—the value that your product or service provides to your customer.

Know your niche.

  • Know your niche.
  • Know your customers and what they want.
  • Know the competition, strengths, weaknesses and gaps in their offerings.
  • Define the result you want to achieve for customers using your product or service.

Brand yourself.

  • A brand is a promise to the customer.
  • It’s what you stand for, the values you believe in, and how your customers can trust you.
  • It’s more than just a logo or tagline—it’s about connecting with people on an emotional level.
  • The best way to build a strong brand is by taking time to get really clear about what makes your business unique from other companies in your industry.*


If your business is a small one, you’ll need to network as much as possible. Networking is more than just getting together with fellow professionals and talking shop—it’s about expanding your network to include new people and businesses that can benefit your company.

If you’re not sure where to start, consider what resources you have at your disposal. Do you have a website or Facebook page? Is there any way that those platforms could be used for networking purposes? Can you make the time to attend some industry events or meetups? Or do something online like join groups on LinkedIn or start a Twitter account specifically for professional networking (and don’t forget about Instagram!)

The most successful entrepreneurs are always looking for ways of growing their business—and nothing does this better than networking with other professionals who share similar values. This type of communication can help strengthen partnerships within an industry while also allowing each individual involved in them more opportunities when it comes down right down into what they’re doing every day at work.”

Get smart about marketing.

It’s no secret that marketing is the key to success. But, what do you need to know about marketing?

  • Marketing is a long-term investment. It takes time and effort, but if done right, it can make your business more profitable than you ever imagined possible.
  • Marketing isn’t just advertising or social media; it includes all of these things plus branding and sales as well! You need a well-rounded marketing plan that covers all of these bases so that when one tactic doesn’t work out for you another will be there waiting in the wings ready for action!

Build your online presence.

Don’t be fooled by the name. Your website is your first line of defense against competitors and customers alike. It’s also the most important tool for building brand awareness, driving traffic from search engines like Google and Bing, and making sales. Having a professionally designed website with a good domain name is essential to making your small business stand out from the crowd.

If you can’t build your own site or don’t want to spend much money on it, there are plenty of options available in terms of free hosting and templates that look professional but won’t break your budget either.

Your logo is another important piece of branding that helps people remember who you are when they see it again later on down the road—or even across different mediums like social media platforms or advertisements online! Good logos usually involve simple shapes with bright colors that contrast well with one another; this makes them easily recognizable as belonging together as part of one cohesive unit (the logo). A good rule-of-thumb when creating any kind of logo design would be “less clutter = more focus”.

Watch your cash flow.

  • Watch your cash flow. Know how much money you need to make in order to cover your expenses and when it’s coming in. Also know what is going out, so that you can plan ahead if there are any unexpected expenses that might throw off your budget.

The budgeting process can be simple or complex depending on how detailed you want it to be, or whether or not you already have a small business budget template already set up for yourself (which is highly recommended).

Watch your expenses — and try to get others to absorb them.

As mentioned above, you’ll want to look for ways to reduce your expenses. This can be done in a variety of ways:

  • Find ways to get other people or businesses to pay for them. For example, if you are hosting a party and can’t afford the cost of music or a DJ, maybe someone else will donate their time as payment for another service or product they received from you (e.g., they get free dinner if they provide live entertainment).
  • Look for ways to make more money through additional sales or services. If you sell cars on consignment but don’t have enough space in your office building, consider renting out some space elsewhere so that you have room inside your office building and don’t have customers waiting outside while they wait their turn at getting approved by the bank (or whoever). Or maybe there’s another business nearby that could benefit from offering its own version of what yours does: perhaps an auto repair shop could offer financing services?
  • Cut out unnecessary expenses wherever possible — such as using paper napkins instead of cloth ones when serving food at parties; buying generic brands instead of name-brand products; printing fewer fancy invitations rather than using more expensive ones when sending out invites online via email instead

Invest in tech.

When you’re running a small business, the role of technology is key. Technology can help you automate and streamline your processes. It can also help you outsource tasks that would require too much time and effort for one person to handle. All this ultimately makes it easier for you to focus on what really matters: providing excellent customer service.

Plan for the future — even if it’s just next year’s inventory.

Planning for the future is important, even if it’s just next year’s inventory.

To begin planning for your small business’ future, start by first looking at your current data. What are some of the trends that are emerging in your industry? Can you make any predictions about what will happen to sales over time? How much do you think you’ll be earning or losing in a year from now?

These questions might seem overwhelming at first, but they’re all easy to answer if you take time to look at past performance and make educated guesses about what might happen next. This is something that most successful entrepreneurs do on a regular basis; they aren’t afraid of making predictions—and neither should you be!

Starting a small business isn’t easy, especially when you consider all of the things you need to consider in order to do it right.

Starting a small business isn’t easy, especially when you consider all of the things you need to consider in order to do it right. The good news is that there are plenty of resources available for small business owners who are just getting started or who have been running their operations for some time but are looking to improve their skills and techniques.

The first thing you’ll need to do is plan out your budget: how much money you will spend on marketing, advertising and promotion; what products or services will be offered; where those products or services will be sold (online? at conventions? through wholesale channels?); who your target customers are (what age group? what gender?). Once this information has been determined, it’s important that you understand exactly how each part of your business works together so as not only know what kind of return on investment (ROI) each aspect offers but also how well they stand up against competitors’ offerings in terms of price point and quality standards. In addition, understanding how much income can be generated from each customer—and where those funds come from—will give insight into which type(s) work best for increasing revenue streams over time.

Once these questions have been answered accurately enough so as not leave any room left open for error later down the line–which could cause damage such as missed deadlines due lackadaisical preparation–it’s time move forward with getting started!


Starting a small business is hard, but it can be done! You just need to have the right approach and be willing to put in the time and effort needed to make it happen. The trick is finding what works best for your particular needs – whether that’s getting help from others or building up your personal brand. It might take some trial and error before you find what works best for you, but don’t give up!


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