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Month: August 2020

How To Reach Goals

A  goal is an aim or result that one is attempting to achieve.Having goals...

What is the purpose of life?

What is life? The definition of life is highly debatable probably due to the...

Are Game Players Safe?

There are over 1 181 million electronic games in the world.In 2020, the number...

Impact of modernization on African tradition.

What is tradition? An inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior...

Top Places To Visit In Zimbabwe

Snake Park in Victoria Falls Snakes park houses a wide variety of snakes in...

13 study tips to help you (2020)

What is to study? The application of oneself to the acquisition of knowledge, as...

Zimbabwean Businesses to Pay Facebook Tax

Remember when the Minister of Finance Announced that he will be seeking a way...